Critique of Archaeological Reason
3. Notes

Detailed Table of Contents
of the published book (CAR)

Giorgio Buccellati – June 2017

This index lists section titles down to the lowest level.

For a shorter version in the printed volume see Section 2. Critique: the book.

Links are to entries in this section.

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1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17

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Table of Contents

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1 - Introduction

1.1  The themes
     1.1.1  A dual definition of archaeology
     1.1.2  Referentiality: grammar and hermeneutics
     1.1.3  The value and limits of positivism
     1.1.4  Archaeological reason
     1.1.5  Structure
     1.1.6  Archaeological theory and method
     1.1.7  Digitality
     1.1.8  Critique
1.2  The argument
1.3  The companion website&nbsp
1.4  The public impact

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2 - Archaeology and grammar

2.1  The uniqueness of the discipline: archaeology as archaeology
2.2  A "critical" definition of archaeology
     2.2.1  The structural framework
     2.2.2  Methodology, method, implementation
     2.2.3  Primary and secondary definitions
2.3  Primary definition:       inner-referential trace analysis of material cultural remains
     2.3.1  The three levels of trace analysis
     2.3.2  Distinctiveness of archaeology in terms of the primary definition
2.4  Secondary definition:       extra-referential analysis of material cultural remains
     2.4.1  Referentiality and temporal distance
     2.4.2  Broken traditions
2.5  Approaches to the two definitions
     2.5.1  Grammar and hermeneutics
     2.5.2  The projection of meaning: archaeology as social science
     2.5.3  The appropriation of values: archaeology as humanism
     2.5.4  Archaeology and texts
2.6  Grammar
     2.6.1  The notion of grammar
     2.6.2  Economy and power
     2.6.3  Grammar and codes
     2.6.4  Shape grammar and grammar of space
2.7  The impact of grammar
     2.7.1  Formalization, digitalization, quantification
     2.7.2  Capillarity and comprehensiveness
     2.7.3  Grammatical underpinnings of a time-bound record
2.8  A theory of excavation44
     2.8.1  The intellectual dimension of field work
     2.8.2  Observation and inference
     2.8.3  Structural archaeology

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3 - Categorization

3.1  Grammar and categorization
3.2  Definition and definitions
3.3  Synchrony and diachrony
3.4  Structural aspects
     3.4.1  Closed and open systems: "-emic" and "(e)-tic"
     3.4.2  Binary oppositions
     3.4.3  Distributional arrays
     3.4.4  Paradigms
3,5  Procedures
     3.5.1  Trees and nodes
     3.5.2  Attribute analysis
3.6  Minimal constituents, morphemes, morphs, allomorphs
3.7  Technique and method

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4 - The search for objectivity

4.1  Objectivity as calibration of perception
4.2  The record: stratification and stratigraphy
4.3  The objectivity of grammar
4.4  Emplacement and deposition: a basic antinomy
4.5  Operational aspects of stratigraphic analysis
4.6  Observation as the foundation of objectivity
     4.6.1  Primacy of atomistic observations
     4.6.2  Irreplaceability and explicitness of original observations
     4.6.3  Precision and accuracy
     4.6.4 merit of minimalism
4.7  The nature of strategy
     4.7.1  The fluidity of observation
     4.7.2  Strategy and tactics

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5 - Stratigraphic analysis

5.1  The nature of stratigraphic analysis
5.2  Emplacement: the overriding significance of contacts
     5.2.1  The notion of contiguity
     5.2.2  Direct contact
     5.2.3  Indirect contacts
     5.2.4  Assessment of contacts
     5.2.5  In search of laws
5.3  Deposition: time as function of space
     5.3.1  An archaeological inference
     5.3.2  Emplacement as a clue to deposition
     5.3.3  Strata definition and strata assignment
     5.3.4  Automatic derivation of strata sequence
5.4  Conceptualization
5.5  Documentation
     5.5.1  The nature of documentation
     5.5.2  The digital and grammatical dimensions
     5.5.3  The basic principles of documentation
     5.5.4  The mechanics of the input
     5.5.5  The significance of feedback in the input phase
5.6  In praise of theory

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6 - Typological analysis

6.1  The elements: features and items
6.2  Archaeological typology
6.3  Formal analysis of single elements: morphology
     6.3.1  Three types of morphological analysis
     6.3.2  Principles of compositional analysis
     6.3.3  Principles of manufacturing analysis
     6.3.4  Principles of functional analysis
6.4  Formal analysis of assemblages: taxonomy
     6.4.1  The notion of assemblage
     6.4.2  Patterned ordering of attributes within assemblages
     6.4.3  Structuring principle
     6.4.4  Beyond formal analysis
     6.4.5  The coherence of the whole
6.5  Typology and stratigraphy&

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7 - Integrative analysis

7.1  A secondary typological dimension
7.2  The nature of integration
     7.2.1  Stratigraphy and typology
     7.2.2  Typologies
     7.2.3  The cost of integration
     7.2.4  Integration vs. juxtaposition
     7.2.5  Beyond extrinsicism
7.3  Integrative procedures
     7.3.1  Method and technique in relationship to the inventory
     7.3.2  An open sensitivity
7.4  Method: inventory specific
     7.4.2  Heterogeneous archaeological inventories
     7.4.3  Heterogeneous non-archaeological inventories
7.5  Technique: non inventory specific
     7.5.1  Techniques as non inventory specific procedures
     7.5.2  Science and techniques
7.6  A grammatical approach to style
7.7  Two types of extra-referential integration
7.8  The role of integrative analysis within the Global Record
     7.8.1  The creation of the record
     7.8.2  The fruition of the record

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8 - The invention of a site

8.1  The reconfiguration of the finds
8.2  The physical and referential nature of the record
8.3  The constitutive nature of the record
8.4  The publication as embodiment of the record
8.5  Selectivity and the question of “non-data”
8.6  The great transfer
8.7  The interpretive filters
8.8  The basic presuppositions
8.9  The delay in archaeological publishing
8.10  A definitive publication
8.11  The maieutics of archaeology
8.12  Socially responsible archaeology and the question of identity

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9 - The physical record

9.1  Disposition
9.2  Conservation
9.3  Restoration
9.4  Reconstruction
9.5  Storage of movable items
9.6  Curation
9.7  Access
9.8  The site as a book
     9.8.1  Staging the past
     9.8.2  Scholarly concerns

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10 - The referential record

10.1  Reassembling the "raw" data
10.2  The fragmented evidence and the sequential argument
10.3  The documentation
     10.3.1  The documentary record
     10.3.2  Databases
     10.3.3  Passive digital publication
     10.3.4  Documentary visualization
     10.3.5  Statistical elaboration
10.4  The narrative
     10.4.1  The textual narrative
     10.4.2  Excavation reports
     10.4.3  Argument based narratives
     10.4.4  Conclusion based narrative
10.5  Perceptual visualization
10.6  Virtual reality
10.7  The stakeholders, proximate and remote
10.8  Public outreach
10.9  The grammatical dimension

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11 - Digital thought

11.1  Bracing the distance
     11.1.1  The pre-digital phase
     11.1.2  The digital innovation
     11.1.3  Intentional dislocation
11.2  Structuring the data
     11.2.2  Capillarity of nodes
     11.2.3  Integration of arrays
11.3  Structuring the argument
     11.3.1  Discontinuity and sequentiality
     11.3.2  Multilinear sequences
     11.3.3  Polyhedral argument
     11.3.4  Non-systemic sequences
     11.3.5  Fluidity of structure and deconstruction
     11.3.6  Semantic and lexical webs
11.4  The implicit argument
     11.4.1  The data base as an argument
     11.4.2  The argument function of sorting
     11.4.3  The argument function of a word search
     11.4.4  Evaluation 70
11.5  The narrative argument
     11.5.1  Digital discourse, narrative, text
     11.5.2  Primary and secondary narrative arguments
     11.5.3  Automation: the primary narrative argument
     11.5.4  The secondary narrative argument
11.6  Digital humanities and digital humanism
     11.6.1  Digital humanities: the technical domain
     11.6.2  Digital humanism: the conceptual domain
     11.6.3  Perception
     11.6.4  The reach of artificial constructs
11.7  The para-digital dimension
11.8  The notion of digital thought
11.9  A historical perspective on digital thought
     11.9.1  Orality
     11.9.2  From pre-literate to para-literate
     11.9.3  Discontinuity and non-linearity
     11.9.4  Becoming literate
     11.9.5  From the Encycoplédie to digitality

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12 - Digital text

12.1  The notion of digital text
12.2  The reader
     12.2.1  Perceptual discontinuity
     12.2.2  The persons: user vs. reader
     12.2.3  The actions: consulting vs. studying
     12.2.4  Hyperlinks – informational and thematic
     12.2.5  Reading and digital reading
12.3  The author
     12.3.1  Structural discontinuity
     12.3.2  The merging of the three levels
     12.3.3  The new continuity
12.4  Digital discourse
     12.4.1  "One long argument"
     12.4.2  Tensionality
     12.4.3  Reconfiguration
     12.4.4  Centering and grammaticality
     12.4.5  Self-declaration
12.5  The heightened perception
12.6  Compositional mechanisms
     12.6.1  Pointers to compositional structure
     12.6.2  The outer limits
     12.6.3  The frame
     12.6.4  Titled segmentation
     12.6.5  Markers
     12.6.6  Hyperlinks
     12.6.7  The extended evidentiary base
12.7  Bibliographical status

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13 - The archaeological record

13.1  Archaeological digital thought
13.2  Conceptual digitality of the archaeological data
     13.2.1  The primacy of atomism
     13.2.2  Finality of the fragment
     13.2.3  Quantification and the anchoring bias
13.3  The role of observation
     13.3.1  The dynamics of the record
     13.3.2  The observation as a structuring moment
     13.3.3  The input as argument
13.4  "Ontologies" and the semantic web
     13.4.1  Grammatical and hermeneutical aspects
     13.4.2  "Ontologies" as grammars
     13.4.3  The semantic web as hermeneutics
13.5  An archaeological record in practice
     13.5.1  A test case
     13.5.2  Global Record and Browser Edition
     13.5.3  The semantics of automation
     13.5.4  Intrinsic vs. extrinsic integration
     13.5.5  Compositional matters
     13.5.6  The basal data
     13.5.7  The scripts
     13.5.8  The dialectics of alternate registers
     13.5.9  Interactivity
     13.5.10  Globality
     13.5.11  Publication
     13.5.12  Portability
     13.5.13  Bibliographical status
     13.5.14  The presentation component of the browser edition

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14 - The relevance of structure

14.1  Structure
14.2  The Kantian model
     14.2.1  The nature of the impact
     14.2.2  The organization of my argument
14.3  Tensionality – the Kantian intuition
     14.3.1  Introductory
     14.3.2  The notion of "bracing"
     14.3.3  "Transcendental"
     14.3.4  "Critique" and grammar
14.4  Tensionality – the implications
     14.4.1  Open and closed structures
     14.4.2  The overlay of structural systems
     14.4.3  Binary opposition
14.5  Inclusivity – the Kantian intuition
     14.5.1  Introductory
     14.5.2  "Analytics"
     14.5.3  Totality: "unity" and "synthesis" as structure
     14.5.4  The constitutive elements: "subdivison" and "dissection"
14.6  Inclusivity –the implications
     14.6.1  Univocal relationship among structural elements
     14.6.2  Scalarity
     14.6.3  Rules
     14.6.4  Distributional analysis
     14.6.5  Grammatical and inferential structures
14.7  Referentiality – the Kantian intuition
     14.7.1  Introductory
     14.7.2  Referential levels
     14.7.3  A homeostatic system and the external referent
     14.7.4  "Metaphysics"
     14.7.5  The substantive nature of the referential dimension
     14.7.6  "Reason"
     14.7.7  "Dialectics"
14.8  Referentiality – the implications
     14.8.1  The external referent
     14.8.2  Interlocking systems
     14.8.3  A world encased
     14.8.4  Semiotics
14.9  A systemic cohesiveness
14.10  The Kantian legacy
     14.10.1  Three stages
     14.10.2  The ultimate impact
14.11  Para-perception and the transcendental revolution
14.12  A critique of "human" reason

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15 - The critical approach

15.1  Reason and "reasons"
15.2  Pure and impure reason
15.3  Critique, "critical theory," metaphysics
15.4  Archaeological data
15.5  Archaeological reason
15.6  A critique of archaeological reason
15.7  A critical approach to archaeology
15.8  Referential levels
15.9  Observation and degrees of inference
15.10  A critical approach to stratigraphy
     15.10.1  Excavation
     15.10.2  Emplacement
     15.10.3  Deposition
     15.10.4  Stratigraphy
     15.10.5  Other stratigraphies
15.11  A critical approach to typology
     15.11.1  The structuring principle
     15.11.2  The structured whole
     15.11.3  The meeting of two reasons: selection and classification
     15.11.4  Classes, types and allotypes
     15.11.5  Inventories, assemblages and sampling
     15.11.6  A note on terminology
     15.11.7  Patterned singularity
     15.11.8  Synchrony and diachrony
     15.11.9  Patterns of production
15.2  A critical approach to interpretation
     15.12.1  The nature of the evidence
     15.12.2  An "uncritical" theory of archaeology
     15.12.3  The merits of "uncritical theory"
     15.12.4  Interpretation and theory of interpretation
15.13  Archaeology and philosophy
15.14  Metaarchaeology

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16 - Hermeneutics

16.1  The question of meaning
16.2  The premise of grammar
     16.2.1  Grammar and meaning
     16.2.2  Distributional and structural analysis
     16.2.3  The urgency of grammar
16.3  Semiotics within hermeneutics
     16.3.1  Mending the brokenness: semiotics for a broken tradition
     16.3.2  Distribution
     16.3.3  Linking
     16.3.4  The other side of semiotics: perceptual analysis
     16.3.5  Reconstituting perception
16.4  The possibility of meaning
     16.4.1  Presuppositions
     16.4.2  Clustering
     16.4.3  The structural trigger
     16.4.4  The hermeneutic risk
     16.4.5  Potential grammaticalization
     16.4.6  The coherence of the system
16.5  The retrieval of consciousness: cognitive archaeology
16.6  The two hermeneutics
     16.6.1  Hermeneutics as invention
     16.6.2  Hermeneutics as appropriation
     16.6.3  Hermeneutics of broken traditions
16.7  Archaeology and history
16.8  A pre-linguistic hermeneutics
     16.8.1  Para-perceptual communication
     16.8.2  The autonomy of the referent
     16.8.3  Levels of signification
16.9  Academic alignments and intellectual domains
     16.9.1  Epoché, empathy, assent
     16.9.2  Social sciences and the humanities
     16.9.3  "Undiseased by hypothesis": the humanities and theory
     16.9.4  Culture and experience: mediation of patterns and immediacy of fruition

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17 - Conclusion

17.1  Archaeological reason
17.2  Grammar and hermeneutics
17.3  Structural archaeology
17.4  Archaeology and linguistics
17.5  Archaeology, digitality and philosophy
17.6  Archaeological reason for a living tradition
17.7  Critique and theory

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